Bell (2052) Joyful Bell coloured ✨ A small, fun illustration of Bell which started from a pencil sketch!
doodles (2049) Starting a new sketchbook! A quick look at my new shiny sketchbook. It's very exciting!
Pippa (2045) Majou Pippa ✨ Simple Pippa illustration coloured. It's the drawing extracted from pen sketch which I experimented yesterday!
weekly Weekly Summary 2024/09 Hello... everynyan! ;w; It was the leap year day, yesterday! It was sunny, warm, and lovely like Haru. That's why today's weekly doodle is Haru! I styled his hair a little bit and omg I think his attractiveness is ⏫✨ by a lot?!?! I'm weak
news Behind the Scenes new colour theme I've been playing around with Ghost's new official theme: Source. I love how I'm able to change the background colour other than white or black, and in many cases it looks pretty sleek. There's one thing that it doesn't have
news Daily Posts Format Changes + more things v2 Hello hello! ^~^)/ I'll write down below some points of how it's going to work and my plans onward. I've been doing my BTS posts this way for a while, but since the daily posts format has changed significantly from the first change, I thought
weekly Weekly Summary 2024/08 Hello hello! 'u')/ This week is a slow one in art-production side. I post all sort of random doodles as a form to relax, although I wasn't really relaxing IRL: there are so many things to take care of in addition to the commissions work and
Bell (2031) Meow meow Bell doodle I did a tiny meow meow doodle for Cat's Day trending topic! It's done in a very small canvas, I don't have bigger size of it hahaha... 💦 (This reminds me that I haven't drawn Kitty for so, so long...) I want to
weekly Weekly Summary 2024/07 Hello everyone! How are you doing? This week felt really fast! Looking back, it seems like there were a few things that happened. Let's see: Lunar New Year! It's Lena's yearly illustration! I spent a lot of time working on this (2015, 2016, 2017,
To:You (2023) To:You 2024 redraw ✨ A redraw of my valentine comic, To:You that I did two years ago! It's a redraw of my To:You comic cover. It's been two years! The old art: It feels like the newest illust is more fun and loose, I like it! 🫶 See you!
Tuna Rice Update v1.3.1 - small improvements + new translation added! Hello everyone! I updated Tuna Rice (latest version v1.3.1) build with a few additions! First, I'd like to thank Ony for the kind help for Brazilian Portuguese! There's also small improvements in writing thanks to Sebby (S.B.Hunter) who kindly went through the
weekly Weekly Summary 2024/06 Hello everyone! This is the sixth weekly summary post! o^.^o)7 It was quite a slow week for me as I'm juggling between commission work and a few stuff I needed to take care of IRL. I also did some more cleaning for the approaching lunar new
weekly Weekly Summary 2024/05 Hello everyone! Welcome to the fifth weekly summary post~ How are you doing? This week doodle is Lulu!! I noticed I don't draw her a lot, I wonder why. Well, I think I know why... She's designed based on how I look haha so I'
weekly Weekly Summary 2024/04 Hello everyone! It's another weekly summary post~ I hope your week has been nice and fulfilling. ^~^ This week's doodle is Sumi-chan! She's probably the sweetest, dere-dere character I made. In a way, she's very similar to Bell, though she's more
weekly Weekly Summary 2024/03 Hello everyone! How are you doing? While it's not particularly a super productive week compared with the past few months, there were some small achievements! Yay! (Please have this super attractive Haru's side view as this weekly summary's doodle!!) 2024 Calendar is finished! In
weekly Weekly Summary 2024/02 Hello everyone!! How are you doing? This week I'm taking things slow as a form of a break. While physically I'm not making much, mentally I'm thinking about creating all the time, so it's that kind of productive week haha! So, this
weekly Weekly Summary 2024/01 Hello everyone!! Welcome to this year's first weekly summary! ✨ (I will continue making this, after all...) I drew Chika for the year's first weekly summary to get her extra-joyous spirit all over us! I hope her cheerfulness can lift up your moods and spirits! She wants
yearly 2024 Art Goals + Review Hello! Happy new year!! ✨ ヽ(⌒▽⌒)ノ Behind the Scenes is a year old!! Wow!! So far I'm loving it, having a place where I can share just anything I want without worrying about judgements (>_> staring at some platforms with very strict terms) it's been
Mrs Peregrine Where Is Mrs Peregrine? v2 is here! + Afterwords This post is a carbon copy of an itch post I wrote to the release of v2! I will update this post with an "Afterwords" special mini illustration in the next few days. Meanwhile, please bear with it having no thumbnails aaa! @_@;; Thumbnail is added! (21.01.2024)
weekly Weekly Summary 2023/52 Hello everyone! How are you doing? We're at the last Friday of the year; wow! \o/ It's been a year! 2023 is an extremely productive year for me. I found tons of reasons to eat well and stay healthy to keep on doing so many things
weekly Weekly Summary 2023/51 Hello everyone! How are you doing? I'm starting to work on Mrs Peregrine's update in full-gear. I've been doing lots of the extra art (which fortunately, not too many) and fixing some stuff I wasn't able to put in Nove Jam. I
weekly Weekly Summary 2023/50 Yahoo~! How are you doing? We're nearby the end of the year, time flies really fast, doesn't it? This week I started doing some flashbacks to what I did in the past year, when I made this art summary post: Though my art style noticeably gets
art summaries (1959) Art Summary 2023 Today I made my yearly art summary graphic! I did the graphic myself since I'm too lazy to find the template: The template was done fast since I don't want to spend too much time in this. I'm currently taking a break from a