Weekly Summary 2023/51

Hello everyone! How are you doing?
I'm starting to work on Mrs Peregrine's update in full-gear. I've been doing lots of the extra art (which fortunately, not too many) and fixing some stuff I wasn't able to put in Nove Jam.

I never thought of SFXes, but I think I may add one or two cute poi sounds in the build. I hope that can add personalities! (Also, if I can make time to do this haha ahhh)
Mrs Peregrine's update has a flashback scene of few years prior, so I tried to reflect that in the background. I could have done more to show aging furnitures and such, but I only did very small change actually: the present will show more items on the top of the fireplace. This is barely noticeable, and I could have done much better. I will probably do it for future-future improvement update, before I set up a Steam page for it.
Steam pages??? That sounds fun!!
I'm thinking to get Steam pages for Tuna Rice, Mrs Peregrine and Blooming Chimes at the same time, so that I'm able to cross-market three of them! >,< I want to have Tuna Rice proofread before making a Steam page for it. Mrs Peregrine is already proofread so the improvements I can do for it is mostly visuals I think. While Blooming Chimes is meant to be commercial even when I feel like having the Vol.1 free – I may reconsider this to just 2 chapters instead (Vol.1 has 4 chapters + extra story). It's a lot to think in the future.
A lot of fun things await in 2024! Exciting!
Other things:
- Listening to: Remember Me - Gummy (Hotel Del Luna is so good... Oh my.)
- Reading: N/A
- Watching: Mahoromatic season 2 - end! (It ended sooo weirdly, wtf.)
- Playing: CROB!
- Others: I'm still doing my best. '-')9
I wish you warm and sweet Christmas with loved ones and enjoy the end of year holiday, if you have one!
I'm not having any, I keep on doing my works as usual hahaha, it's still fun so I'm enjoying it! ^^
See you next week... for the last weekly summaries post!
- Konayachi