weekly Weekly Summary 2023/06 Hello everyone! Welcome to another weekly summary~ I refined the outfits of Illa Cafe staffs this week and they made me happy! 04 February: (1648) Ellie / doodle It is Ellie's doodle, made as doodles set from last week's batch! 05 February: Illa Café Dev Notes 40
weekly Weekly Summary 2023/05 Hello everyone! This is our fifth weekly summary of the year! ✨ An update from last week's weekly summary: I finally finished wrapping up the last part of Illa Café initial writing and scripting! 🥹 It felt so good, but at the same time, when I look from afar it
weekly Weekly Summary 2023/04 Hello! We are now on the fourth weekly summary of the year! ⭐ This week, I'm doing more experiments in sketches. I didn't finish any full illustration because I channeled my energy in wrapping up the final part in writing Illa Café. It almost finishes! I'
weekly Weekly Summary 2023/03 Hello everyone! How are you doing? This is the third weekly summary post for this year. 😊 I picked up the pace again this week and started a new illustration. It is also the first Lena illustration of the year! ✨🌸 14 January: (1627) Ponytail / doodle It is a refreshing doodle page
weekly Weekly Summary 2023/02 Hello! This is my second weekly summary of the year. Things went a little bit slow this week since I needed to take a break away from my desk for a good few days. But all is good now! 07 January: (1620) Sumi / illustration I added soft background to Sumi
weekly Weekly Summary 2023/01 Hello! This is my first weekly summary post. The idea is that I will use this post which will be shared weekly (every Friday) to take a break from drawing *), and look back in the past 6 days to see what have I been doing. It feels like reporting to
yearly 2023 Art Goals Hello everyone! How are you doing? 😀 I did this last year and it was fun to forget about it and only pick it up on the last day of the year, so I will do this again this year. This won't be shoved in front of my face
news Hello Behind the Scenes! Welcome to Behind the Scenes. This is a place where you can see the archive of my daily posts. I've been doing daily posts since 2018 in various platforms, and starting from 2023 I will do it here independently. ✨ You're welcomed to join Behind the Scenes,