Weekly Summary 2023/01

Hello! This is my first weekly summary post.
The idea is that I will use this post which will be shared weekly (every Friday) to take a break from drawing *), and look back in the past 6 days to see what have I been doing. It feels like reporting to a supervisor; from me, to me. 🤣
*) I may or may not draw on this day, but the idea is that this is my 'weekend' for me to focus on other projects in other aspects, such as scripting, programming, writing, planning, etc.
I haven't had any format in mind, so this series will evolve over the time.
01 January: (1614) Art Goals

First post of the year! 🥳 In this post, I made a short list of things I want to do in this year. This list is made to forget, and only to review back at the end of this year to see how much have I achieved in the year.
02 January: (1615) Sumi / sketch

I did a sketch of Sumi - a character from Illa Café! I talked about same-face syndrome and the brush that I used on the sketch. 😆
03 January: (1616) Sumi / lineart, wip

In this post I worked on her lineart. I didn't finish the lineart, but I also explained a bit about the brush effect that I wanted to have in this lineart.
04 January: (1617) Sumi / greyscale

I finally finished her lineart and did greyscale colour base! I talked about the grey colours that I use for the shading and highlight, also some doubts about the hair colouring.
05 January: (1618) Sumi / illustration, wip

She's finally coloured! I used the gradient map method to colour, in this post I shared a little bit the steps I went through to colour her and I also show the layers structure of my work. I also shared the colour palettes of the gradient maps! 😀
Also, while working on this gradient map colouring, I encountered a weird behavior when saving gradient map presets on Krita. Upon asking around, I decided to file a bug and then it is confirmed that it does behave weirdly. I hope the devs are able to fix it! 🤞
That's all for this week's Weekly Summary! I hope you enjoy your Friday night. See you. 🧡
- Konayachi