Weekly Summary 2024/19

Weekly Summary 2024/19

Helloooo! ( ´v` )/ I hope you're doing fine.

It's been another productive week so far: both on work and IRL stuff! Yay! I doodled Lulu because it's been a long time since I drew her. I doodled her beautiful back and shoulder hehe... ☺️

Art stuff

I did lots of throwback art!! This art summary in the past 16 years (2148):

Lena's version for the summary (2147):

And the new version of #artvsartist tag (2146):

I'm looking forward to future art I'm going to make! 💪

Dev stuff

I'm working so, so hard in outlining Pippa's VN. I squeeze my brain out to think of a fun title (it's so hard this time ugh), I ponder 24/7 (exaggerated, but almost) about how my branching narrative story should go, I want to make sure I don't go beyond what I can possibly make in 30 days (minus personal downtime) and still make it a nice, round, complete VN experience as I'm not going to make a demo I don't plan to work further (two WIPs are more than enough to occupy me all year long). Gosh I feel so so lost hahaha laugh die me... 💀

Should I jump on a forum and ask for writing advice? (hint: I'm scared)

Alright, if by July I don't have anything else in my mind, I'll forget about spooky jam and I'll continue Blooming Chimes writing. 💪

Activity logs:

  • Listening to: 그대는 사랑입니다 (You Are Love) - FTISLAND
  • Reading: n/a
  • Watching: (still) Yuu Yuu Hakusho
  • Playing: CROB new update!!
  • Others: It's been a nostalgic week full of throwback!

See you!
- Konayachi