Weekly Summary 2024/11
It's a busy week, but fun nevertheless!

(Written on 18 March 2024)
Hello hello!
This week's weekly doodle is joyful Bell! Aaah! >,< I love her a lot, she's so precious! I really, really want to continue editing Blooming Chimes but these hundreds of responsibilities that I have to solve this month is very demanding. I'll persevere and go through them before going back to my biggest passion project to date.
More scanned doodles experiment!
I recently started a new sketchbook which will serve as my drawing tool on-the-go, so I want to get more friendly with it before I can bring it with me to places.

It's a weird feeling, but I'm liking it so far!
I also tested a process where I scan my pencil sketch, and process it digitally with pencil brush. It was really fun! ^^

This opens possibilities to be able to keep drawing and creating even when I'm away from my desk. I think it's nice to get in touch with analog pencil and paper, it feels raw and personal!
Work is working! 💪
BTS went through a week without any post, so I slowly chased through these posts afterwards. There were some things that I did: I cleared some commissions work and I'm on my way to finish another by the end of this month I hope. It's indeed satisfying to check some of the To-Do list! ^^ I'm trying to get into the habit of sticking into it, it helps to feel good!
I'm also clearing some other stuff I've been working on IRL since a few months back, which hopefully can be solved by the end of this month. I need to conserve my energy to progress Blooming Chimes further hahaha... Nobody is going to finish it but me, it's a huge weight I'll happily carry on my shoulders. 💪
Activity logs:
- Listening to: My Memory - Ryu (super nostalgic!)
- Reading: very shameful, but I didn't read anything this week. It will soon change! >,<
- Watching: Soul Eater (it's really fun!)
- Playing: (barely played) CROB. Does Duolingo count as a game? It has level-up and XP system hahaha...
- Others: I haven't been socialising much. Now I don't know how to re-enter the social sites hahaha...
Let's do our best!
See you!
- Konayachi