Weekly Summary 2023/22

Hello everyone! This is the 22nd weekly summary of the year.
This week, I wrote a post about the changes that I want to do for my daily posts activities. In summary, I will still post daily – with some changes. One of the notable change is that I'll no longer do weekly dev notes (the ones that I share every Sunday), it's because I no longer know what to write on Sundays without repeating myself as I'm writing dev notes everyday basically now. ^^;
All information can be read here.
With that, I'll reformat this weekly summary posts (and future posts) to be more fun and informative: it's something like what I'd report to my 'imaginary supervisor' about what I've done in the past week. Let's see...
Blooming Chimes progress
I jumped between drawing + scripting. It was really fun!

- I loved making Bell's facial expression in post 1760. It was very amusing!
- I did some blend mode experiments in Renpy in post 1762 for partial layeredimage effect. It didn't do what I'd like it to do, so I just did a workaround for the effect that I wanted.
- I had lots of aaaargh moment during background making in post 1763. I needed references and went through some struggles in drawing buildings – not a fun process. Making the sprites is always the stress-reliever for me hahaha.
- Another aaaargh moment of me doing a 'quick background' that took me too much of my time in post 1764. I used a tool to help me do it faster.
- As I'm still working on my next scene to share, I did a quick doodle to share in post 1765 for one of the scene I don't think will make it to the jam. It's a resting doodle (that's a thing, right?) and it was really fun!
I've been working on Blooming Chimes for a few weeks now. I'm pleasantly surprised at myself for still having all of these energy and excitement to work in it. My surprised feeling is more because I know that it's my biggest weakness that I'm very fickle and I always like to jump on new projects without finishing my previous one.
So, I won't be giving myself the pressure to finish my things. I'll just turn a blind-eye at deadlines. Genuinely feeling thankful that I don't have any strict one – I'm paralysed at deadlines. In this case, I think it's probably the best part for doing passion projects. I don't think I'll have it done on time because of the amount of work I'd like to have on it, but that's okay! *self-pat in the back* I'll break it in smaller batches and do future updates for the results I'll be proud of.
Even when the burning passion of Blooming Chimes starts to slow down, I'll just respark it by jumping to Illa Café progress – which is a much bigger world, that covers very eccentric characters and fun topics!
Other things
I'll keep writing down random other things section, since I think it's a nice little diary record to keep on doing.
- This week I started to watch Zetsuen no Tempest: The Civilization Blaster and it's a very interesting show! It's very beautifully made and the characters are very intriguing. I'm unfamiliar with Shakespeare but they've been very beautifully phrased. I haven't finished the show but I've been enjoying it so far. Takigawa Yoshino in particular captured my attention a lot.
- The new Cookie Run: Ovenbreak event (Potato Cookie) is so fun! It's a good break I've been having in between my drawing/scripting. Last month's Dragon event was very beautiful and well written but I didn't participate much since I'm a F2P player.
- My working playlist this week is Kyuhyun's At Gwanghwamun on loop. 깊은 밤을 날아서 Flying, Deep in the Night is a very fun song to listen happily!
p.s. Kyuhyun's side view of At Gwanghwamun's cover album is 1000% what I imagine Haru IRL would be. >///<;
I'm really, really grateful for all of these opportunities I've been having. If you're reading this, thank you for taking your time to read my essay about how much fun I'm having all of this time. Thank you so much! You're awesome! ♥
Thank you for everyone who's joining me here this week! I hope your weekend will be lovely. Take care!
- Konayachi