releases Pippa and Your Phantasmal Problem is here! This post is a mirror of this's devlog here. Pippa and Your Phantasmal Problem is released for Spooktober Jam 2024! Yay! This is my first participation of the jam itself. I usually make cute and fluffy projects, so touching spooky stuff is very new to me.
The Ice Cream Culprit The Ice Cream Culprit is here! I just released The Ice Cream Culprit! 🎉 It's my second O2A2 VN Jam participation, and it was a last-minute decision as I had a really, really hard time wrapping up the script. I'm really glad though that I persevered. >,< Also, it has Chika! Chika
Mrs Peregrine Where Is Mrs Peregrine? v2 is here! + Afterwords This post is a carbon copy of an itch post I wrote to the release of v2! I will update this post with an "Afterwords" special mini illustration in the next few days. Meanwhile, please bear with it having no thumbnails aaa! @_@;; Thumbnail is added! (21.01.2024)
Mrs Peregrine Where Is Mrs Peregrine? is here! This morning, I published Where Is Mrs Peregrine?! Yay! The current version (v1.16) can be considered a demo, although the main story is finished! The full version (v2.x) with extra stories will be published as an update in near future! Story "Mrs Peregrine is very precious to