I'll be back!

This post serves as a notice for my artist/dev activity in general. ^^
So: I'll be away from internet and creating activities in April - May for a good break. With this BTS posts will be on pause until I'm back.

I haven't had any long break for years; so I hope this break will be good and refreshing for my mind! I'm looking forward to discovering and trying new things, as well as meeting people I haven't met in a very long time. I hope to be able to experience many nice things that will invigorate my mind so that I'm able to create many more fun things!
I know that even when I'm away, my mind will still create a lot of things! What can I do, it's very fun >,< So hopefully the sketchbook I've prepared will be full of fun scribbles! ✨

Commissions work that's on pause will resume on May when I'm back. Other inquiries can be sent to me though I may only reply to them when I have internet connection. No work will be done until my return as I won't have my laptop and tablet with me.

I hope you all stay healthy and happy. Take care and see you in May!
- Konayachi