Weekly Summary 2024/27

(Written on 21 August 2024)
Hello hello!! ๐ How are you doing?
It's been quite warm recently where I am, I actually like it! ยดv` The clear blue sky is very beautiful, and the sunlight is very gentle. I saw pigeons taking a nap in the park under the shade, it was a very adorable view!
I've been trying so hard to clear up all due work by this month, because I'm gaining motivation to join Spooktober VN Jam for the first time! ๐ช At the same time, I'm trying to do some preparation for materials for me to work on:
- outline of the plot (cannot afford to be discovery writer with such limited time aaa)
- character designs (I'll be using my existing characters!)
- game mechanic (I'll most likely code incremental stats like The Ice Cream Culprit again, I won't make overly complicated things. I already decide on what stats to raise: money and magic, which is more simple than The Ice Cream Culprit actually hahaha!)
I will only do GUI at the end of the project period, when I get the feel of the story + art. Also, I don't think I need to prepare anything much, programming wise. This VN is mostly narrative with choices that affects stats, and I've learnt to do that already.
So far, I did initial sketches of the characters: Pippa and Yumi! I haven't drawn Yumi for so long (2021? 2022?) so I'm happy to draw her again! She's in this week's banner! Hmm, I think I will change her initial design a lot for the jam, I have so many ideas hahaha... ๐ฆ

I draw Pippa like every year, so she's pretty familiar. She's also the banner image of BTS and my X account. OMG, I haven't posted for a while... I wanna clear all of these hundreds things I'm doing before going back to X aaa >,<;;;
I will also draw Kitty for the VN! Yay! I'll adjust his ribbon accessories to match the palette of the game as well. I always think he's a logical character, the voice of reason for my airhead characters hahaha. In this case, he's Pippa's familiar. It's purely coincidence, but their hairdo (eardo?) is very similar ahaha. It's so cute...
Other than daydreaming about my project and thinking about my characters, in the past few days I still do the same thing: cleaning up my commissions work, doing maintenance work for my previous VNs, and taking care of some IRL stuff as usual.
I honestly have doubt whether I can finish this VN in the jam, because one-month jam is very challenging. But I think it's a good challenge, I'll do it! I'll give myself nice kbbq meal after I finish my submission haha! (motivating myself)
The last week of this month will mostly be full of brainstorming, so the weekly posts won't have much interesting stuff.
Oh!! I also made a very fun page on my website: Characters Board! It's my personal ToyHouse page where I collect my created OCs in a page, with their portrait, name, birthday and the titles of my projects where they appear. I love this page so much, I love them!!
Some portraits are still empty. >,<
Activity logs:
- Listening to: At Gwanghwamun - KyuHyun!!
- Reading: I didn't read anything again this week, too busy wandering around, sad...
- Watching: The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi, the timeloop arc is very mind-fucking hahaha...
- Playing: N/A, um, Duolingo? XD
- Others: Brain is very active! I want to do so many things! Why do I have to sleep every night hahaha...
Thanks for reading!! See you!
- Konayachi