Weekly Summary 2024/23

Hello everyone! How has your week been?
Earlier this week I was feeling so, so, so tired (thanks deadline) I compensated and slept a lot. I had bad sleep at the end of O2A2 jam period, lots of nightmares of coding – like, I was really trying to solve some python blocks of my script in my dream. One of it actually worked IRL!! ;A; Whoa!! So, yeah, I wasn't really, properly sleeping hahaha...
I'm thankful for everyone who played The Ice Cream Culprit. It's a project with tons of experimental features that stressed me out for quite a while haha. I'm glad the jam is over. It's actually very befitting O2A2 Jam (even when it was stressful for me) because of its small size. I was really forced to absolutely not overscope: my big weakness. I'm so glad!!!
I wanted to go through the entries of the jam but this week I was sleeping a lot, so I hope in near future I'll play many bite sized entries. Yay!!!
Art stuff
Ah, I didn't do much art because I was really tired. I doodled Chika to, uh, celebrate(?) The Ice Cream Culprit release! I think I'll pick up some more art starting next week!
Dev stuff
I finally released The Ice Cream Culprit on Sunday! Yay!!! Finally... *sleeps* Hahaha...
After deadline, I tidied The Ice Cream Culprit code a little bit, committed it on GitExt, and documented some of the interesting bits in the past few posts!
Some people sent me videos of them doing playthrough of The Ice Cream Culprit and I (couldn't believe this but I) loved watching people's playing my VNs 🤣 First of all, thank you so, so much for giving it a try. These reaction videos fluffed me up. ( ´w`)
I also find it super interesting how each person playing this VN took different roles: one who acted like 'yeah, my girlfriend is crazy', or the one who acted like 'what the frick?!?!', or the one who acted like 'yes sweetie, anything for you sweetie...' hahaha ;;A;;
I didn't write the protagonist as a mean person. I, uh, just cannot write mean characters and mean stories, I'm too soft hahaha... So it's really interesting to see so many takes for this character. You are all so entertaining. You all made this many times funnier... I enjoyed the voice-overs and playthroughs a lot.
I also went back to Mrs Peregrine code to start tidying up some scripts, rechecking translation work that arrived to me some time last month and fixing some spillovers, getting ready to implement the visual feedback that was given to me earlier this year and probably push an update for it!
I didn't announce this anywhere else as a test, but I got my Steam developer page and will start to upload my creations there, probably, chronologically! Starting from Tuna Rice, which I scheduled to release by the end of this month! Ah, I really wanted to release it with a tiny artbook too for its one year anniversary, but I haven't got myself time to compose anything of it... Orz Is 9 days enough? Hahaha...
Activity logs:
- Listening to: Listen... To You - Kyuhyun (Pasta OST), it's so nostalgic, so cute, help...
- Reading: Boy-friend's Rule, it's so cute... Also, really funny...
- Watching: (still) Yuu Yuu Hakusho
- Playing: N/A
- Others: The things I'm listening to and the things I'm reading make me really excited to write some fluffy romance stories! (Continuing working on Blooming Chimes)
See you!
- Konayachi