Weekly Summary 2024/22

Weekly Summary 2024/22

(Written on 16 July 2024)

It was the O2A2 week so all of my energy was focused in this jam.

It was not until yesterday that I fully decided that I would try to submit an entry to this jam. I did already do the sprite art and the background art (as a break from scripting the story), so with the story at almost an okay, uh, passable state as a build, I decided: I think I will join.

There was this weird feeling of debuting Chika under a completely different VN, but here she is. She is dumbass, but I love her a lot. My oldest OC hehehe~

Art stuff

All I did was the sprite art and the background art for The Ice Cream Culprit. I think they look really cute, I have a small urge of redrawing some bgs I did last year this way...

I haven't coded any expressions, so she has this blank face. In fact, I haven't drawn any sprites yet...

Dev stuff

So far, what has been done:

  • ✅ base sprite
  • ✅ background
  • ✅ statbars + its function
  • ✅ textbox art (super simple, I try to approach the less-is-more way)

What is, uh, somewhat done:

  • ❓ writing...? Even when I started this first... Orz
    (one proofreading take would be a nice addition to have, but since the deadline is so close, I don't mind not having it until the deadline...)

Will do this like crazy on the weekend:

  • ❌ facial expressions
  • ❌ coding the facial expressions
  • ❌ coding the movements, transitions, etc.
  • ❌ itch.io page and description
  • ❌ mobile build check
  • ❌ bgm hunting
  • ❌ countless testing...

Activity logs:

  • Listening to: -
  • Reading: -
  • Watching: (still) Yuu Yuu Hakusho; it's a long running show and I only watch 1-2 eps a day.
  • Playing: -
  • Others: I stopped drinking tea – the habit I started a few months ago – because it (most likely) made me slightly anemic recently. And since I don't drink coffee, I will probably sleep longer instead whenever I need it.

As always, let's do our best!!

See you!
- Konayachi