Weekly Summary 2024/16

(Written on 10 June 2024)
Hello everyone! How are you doing?
It's been hot, but I can feel that the rain is coming (headaches and air pressure changes are here!), so I'm looking forward to cooling down the house a little bit to be more breezy and comfortable!
Art stuff
This week I shared a lot of food photographs with doodles on it. Even with all of these food photography, I'm not much of a foodie person aaah... 💦 The ones that I shared are the ones I personally loved and would happy to repeat when I have the chance.

One of my small interest is to recreate food that I enjoy a lot. I cook every day, so I consider baking and cooking as refreshing breaks from my usual work routines. My success rate isn't excellent, but it's always been fun nevertheless.
I can probably try to illustrate the food I'm making...? Self-illustrated house cookbook perhaps? It sounds fun ahaha, but please, brain... Stop giving me ideas...
Dev stuff
My Visual Studio Code broke in the past few days (it crashed before it finishes launching) and I didn't have the time to troubleshoot it. Because of this, there's no progress in Blooming Chimes or even in Mrs Peregrine's near-future update (new language translation weee!). I hope to be more free next week and see what's wrong with it. D:
On the other hand...
I've never shared it here but some people on YouTube played my visual novels! Ah~ I'm very humbled 🙇♀️ thank you very much! I have unreasonable fear of hearing what people say about what I made, so to know that you all enjoyed it, I'm very very thankful. I'm also really, really grateful for the pointers, feedback and critiques that you told me. They're really precious to me. I feel like I owe you a lot aaa. ;A;
Starting from now, I'll share here the videos of people's commentaries of my visual novels. They're super precious!
Tuna Rice:
Where Is Mrs Peregrine:
Activity logs:
- Listening to: Taxi - TVXQ
- Reading: Fuko and the Ghost (Wedding with the Ghost)
- Watching: Yuu Yuu Hakusho
- Playing: CROB...?
- Others: (っ˘ω˘ς )
As always, let's do our best!!
See you!
- Konayachi