Weekly Summary 2024/08

Hello hello! 'u')/
This week is a slow one in art-production side. I post all sort of random doodles as a form to relax, although I wasn't really relaxing IRL: there are so many things to take care of in addition to the commissions work and a few important things, so I don't really have much energy left after the day and go to sleep at 22:00 hahaha. 💦

It's probably my favourite doodle of the week. I love this webtoon so much, feel free to give it a try if you'd like! (Because of the daily pass, you have to use the app, sadly.)
I also did some paper + pen doodles which I scanned, and they're fun alternatives when I'm unable to open new canvas and draw 'proper' doodles. I think it's nice to just draw without worrying about fixing things (you cannot undo pen drawing anyway) though I couldn't help but to miss some digital features like moving layers around.
Sometimes, I just want to rotate that eye a little bit, you know...?

Bell meow meow doodle!
Is that... Kitty???
Oh yes! I drew Kitty Gijinka as today's weekly doodle! I still don't know how would Kitty look in human form, but he's everything kawaii basically! I think sailor uniform outfit would be so cute on him.

I learnt a lot of male anatomy drawing thanks to Haru and Julien, so I think the doodle of Kitty's human version turned out pretty masculine. It's funny to see such cute face with masculine body, but would that be Kitty's weird quirk?
Activity logs:
- Listening to: I Know - Seungri, IU (a very good nostalgic, lovely romance song)
- Reading: All Ashes and Illusions! (slowly as I'm barely free, it's really dark, yet I want to keep going...)
- Watching: Nagi no Asukara (it's very cute and moe but the romance is a bit out of place, but I'm only halfway so I hope to enjoy more later on!)
- Playing: CROB (for a little bit)
- Others: I'm trying my hardest to do so many things, but my mind sometimes struggles to focus, and the worst thing is that each time I do something - I want to do something else, like: when I'm drawing commission work, I want to write. Or when I'm editing Blooming Chimes, I want to draw. I don't understand why? I'm losing my mind hahaha... ;;; I think, the solution here is to put priorities, so I'll draw commission work, then edit Blooming Chimes. I hope I can finish everything by April.
As always, let's do our best!!
See you!
- Konayachi