Weekly Summary 2023/52

Hello everyone! How are you doing?
We're at the last Friday of the year; wow! \o/ It's been a year! 2023 is an extremely productive year for me. I found tons of reasons to eat well and stay healthy to keep on doing so many things I want to do. It's a very rewarding feeling. I want to spread this feeling to more people, I think it's amazing. ^o^
I mostly work on Mrs Peregrine's update after Christmas. It was really busy on my side on the (long) weekend so I didn't pick much stuff until a few days ago. I may update Mrs Peregrine itch.io page so that it matches more of the winter vibe for Winter Jam submission as well!
Also, my brain decided that it wants to go back to Blooming Chimes... Alright, (me telling my brain) give me the first few days of January to clear some works I want to finish early. ヽ(・∀・)ノ
Weekly Summaries... may continue?
I may reconsider my plan to stop writing weekly summaries haha. Having regular public posts in BTS is probably so much more interesting for everyone else! I would hate to visit an interesting artist's blog only to discover that most of the posts are tiered. I should probably think of something fun to write...
I'm doing a little tweak of my own Flameshot (grateful that it's open source!) so that I'm able to just screenshot some doodles and paste in the post right away, so that putting them here is easier and I can share more of them! Having to save them, name them properly, resize them (so they don't get too heavy on website) is a long process I hate to do multiple times. Also, I started to force myself to properly name my files with the # in it so that I'm able to look back and find my files easily. I have thousands of files since 2018 haha aaah ;;;
Other things:
Honestly, I don't know how interesting this is, I'm contemplating whether I should continue filling this in weekly? I like reading back and remembering things, like "Huh... I cannot believe I used to listen to this song for weeks haha". I probably will continue, although I know for sure that 2024 is a pretty hectic year. (exciting, nonetheless!)
- Listening to: My Heaven - Big Bang (So nostalgic... Oh my God)
- Reading: Si Bel Homme List, a very unexpected romance story with unusual tropes. I'm loving it!
- Watching: Alice to Zouroku, I'm confused, but it's enjoyable!
- Playing: CROB! (only one or two game a day, in the middle of doing chores haha.
- Others: I'm doing my best. '-')9
See you next week,
- Konayachi