Weekly Summary 2023/28

Hello everyone! Welcome to the 28th weekly summary of the year.
How are you doing? I hope it's all well. It's been quite warm days around my place! A little rain was predicted which ended up chilling the day slightly, at least.
It's also quite a chill week, work wise. I did some more Ren'Py scripting, learnt a little bit more things here and there, broke the build for a while before I undid things to revive it and more.
Blooming Chimes progress

- Writing: I drafted a little bit of the side-stories, but at some point it frustrated me so I stopped halfway. I think I shouldn't waste my time in side-stories before I finish the main story, so I'll put this on backburner.
- Programming: I did lots of Ren'Py scripting on the weekend (1802, 1803); tidying up things and revived the build from accidental break-down.
- Art: I doodled a lot: (1804, 1805, 1806) to get my mind visually excited again. I think it worked; I got new visions for Blooming Chimes!
- Audio: N/A.
- GUI/UX: I did a small prototype concept for a new look that I recently got inspired (1807). Being more faithful to Blooming Chimes' original root: To:You! I think it's a lovely concept and I'd like to tweak this further.
This week's favourite work is this doodle from post 1806:

It's the moment where I was able to doodle their faces exactly like how I envision them in my mind. I'm so happy with how they look here. I was initially worried that I made them look too similar but as I kept on drawing them, they start to be distinct (surprise!!) and it can be a lovely thing to make their eyes meet each other.
Other things
- While working on the prototype in post 1807, I actually tried to use Ren'Py's latest feature of speech bubble. It's actually really fun to use! However, for some reasons I prefer textbox dialogues more? I may change my mind but I'll stick with textbox instead of going for speech bubbles, even when Blooming Chimes has heavy comic influence due to its origin.
- I recently finished Lee Hye's A Good Day to be a Dog and See You in My 19th Life and I'm very blessed and happy. They are both lovely and they made my heart full. ;;
- The next VN Jam available is O2A2 Jam – do I want to join it? I don't know. I'm thinking to skip it this time to focus in Blooming Chimes but it can probably be an excuse for me to make something small and quick, right? Hmm, I'm thinking and trying to brew something quick from my IPs, hahaha.
As usual, thank you for everyone who's joining me here this week! I hope your weekend will be lovely. Take care!
- Konayachi