Weekly Summary 2023/23

Hello everyone! I hope your week has been going well. This is the 23rd weekly summaries of the year! Yay~
Blooming Chimes progress
This week I continued grinding for the drawing! Fortunately, my wrist is still okay and hanging in there hahaha!
I started to replace placeholders with the actual files. I'm still working on scenes surrounding Bell (more impactful and important ones) and I'm thinking of tidying things around. A few weeks ago I went crazy and made so many custom scenes, which after looking back – could've been easier to do with sprites with minimum loss.
In the next week or so, I'll be weighing the balance between reusing sprites vs. actual scenes that need to be drawn custom. Because of the style that I'm aiming, the CGs are actually on the simple side. They're also layered, so they're still interactive. I'm trying to see what I can do with them.

- An interesting scene I drew in post 1767. Since it's a close-up scene, I tried to put lots of efforts for their facial expressions.
- I took a break from facial expressions in post 1768 and I moved to progress for the GUI instead!
- In post 1769, I continued both the facial expression and finishing the GUI that I worked halfway the day before! Enigma of Hearts experiences helped me a lot in this.
- A break doodle that I made in post 1770. I took a break from drawing by doodling hahaha.
- A hard-effort low-outcome background drawing made in post 1771 and 1772. I hope to remaster this in the near future, when my skills are better.
Other things
- I finally finished Zetsuen no Tempest: The Civilization Blaster it was awesome – from the beginning to the end! Very well written, gorgeous characters, emotional ride, great plot twists and good ending. Highly recommended! It's on my aniDB exclusive favourite list now. 🥹
- I read a very interesting advice on this week's weekly question on DevTalk discord. In short, the best lesson learnt in developing games (VN in this case) is that we have to make lots of small, silly projects before dedicating ourselves into our magnum opus. I pondered about this a lot; and think – probably it's better for me and my projects to go through the silly projects before Illa Café is born. While so much has been written, the actual development itself is still in a very early phase. There are so many greyed (read: unknown) aspects regarding its development. Even when I decided that Blooming Chimes should've been jam-sized, it ended up becoming monster-sized by itself. I think I'll make some silly ones, while progressing for Illa Café and Blooming Chimes. At the moment, I want to see how far can I make Blooming Chimes in this jam period. I'll continue working on it. I mean, waking up everyday with sweet Haru and Bell interactions in my mind makes me smiling like crazy in my bed – it's as if I'm blessed with the privilege that I can work on it every day. Very thankful!
- BGM playing on repeat for this week is DAVICHI's 맛 있어서 눈물이나 (Taste of Tears). It's a regretful song of missing the things that happened in the past.
- I watched this video: Find a MBTI P(Perceiving)type among Extreme J(Judging)s' chat room and it was quite entertaining. It's kind of obvious that I'm a P, right? ( ̄▽ ̄);
Again, every day I'm feeling blessed with all the opportunities that allow me to create fun things. Thank you very very much, everyone! If you're reading this, thank you very much for your time! ♥
Lastly, thank you for everyone who's joining me here this week! I hope your weekend will be lovely. Take care!
- Konayachi