Weekly Summary 2023/13

Hello everyone! It has been another week! This is the thirteenth weekly summary of the year. ✨
This week I'm warming up and slowly back to my full-productive mode. Let's see:
Art Posts

Art wise, I found a new comfort brush as my main one (it is the Pointy Pen from my Daily Brush Set). I also got more courage to do more colour blending, and instead of focusing in painting in greyscale just like what I did in January - I painted directly with colours, but with Color-Proofing (set in greyscale) mode on.
I also started to incorporate gesture studies in my days. I hope it can be helpful to grow my artistic experiences.
- 25 March: (1697) Laptop is back! / animation
A celebratory tiny animation for my returning main laptop! Now I can have my browser, email client, Spotify, Krita, Libre Office, VSCode and Renpy open at the same time. xD - 27 March: (1699) Tulips hug / illustration, wip
Continuing Pippa's illustration! I really love Pippa's colour palette and how she looks overall. Soft pastel vibe, yet vivid at the same time. - 28 March: (1700) Tulips hug / illustration
I finished Pippa illustration! Super colourful and very spring-like. - 29 March: (1701) Pose Practice / doodle
I started to incorporate gesture studies in my days. I hope it can be helpful to grow my artistic experiences. In this study, poses are from Adorkastock. - 30 March: (1702) Illa Café GUI Brainstorming / doodle
I redesigned the textbox for Illa Café, so far it has been interesting!
Development Note (Illa Café dev notes #47)

I'm still on editing phase, in addition to preparing for the art. Editing and proofreading Ellie's lines is unexpectedly hard! I need to enrich myself with lots of formal dialogues to give me ideas on how to write Ellie's lines.
Other Things
- April Jam 2023 starts tomorrow; so I'll have my main focus splitted between Illa Café and my game jam team. My daily posts will revolve around them too in April.
- I impulsively joined Otome Jam 2023! 😬💦 I'll do it solo this time since more or less I already have everything: story, art, develop. It will start right after April Jam - on May - and it lasts for 2 months. I was thinking it is an amazing opportunity to kickstart my To:You comic adapted into VN with this jam. I don't expect to be able to whip something out of it already, but I'll tag along with others, progressing together with the event.
- Seeing the history of Winter Jams in the past, this year's Winter Jam should very likely take place again. My goal is to be able to release a pre-pre-early access of Illa Café on the upcoming Winter Jam 2023 (when it comes). Only a few months until then, so I treat this "soft commitment" as a motivation, no, actually, as a threat to my under-consciousness that I have to progress no matter how small, every day.
- This week, my playlist goes back to FTISLAND, mostly their older albums. Some on-repeat songs are: You Are My Love (really liking how much emotion expressed in Hong-ki's vocal here), When I'm Asking About Your Well Being (the title alone is strong enough to pull heartstrings), Treasure (younger-me's favourite - even until now) and many more.
That's all for this week. Thank you everyone who joins me this week. Let's do our best again next week onwards! Have a good weekend!
- Konayachi