Weekly Summary 2023/12

Hello everyone! ✨ This is the twelfth weekly summary of the year.
Spring arrived here on the northern hemisphere. Since my surroundings are one of my main creation influences, this means that my sketches will follow those influences. Warmer colours and light romance ambiences. I mostly use warmer colours all year round myself, but it will be more obvious in the next few weeks I guess.
I'm thinking to reformat my weekly summary posts in subgroups:
- art posts, posts that have images of whatever I'm doing. I foresee that it will majorly contain doodles and sketches. It will also contain hi-res illusts, brush explorations, and anything visual.
- development note, published every Sunday, it is a weekly summary of what I've been doing on that week regarding my bigger projects (comics or visual novels). At the moment, it is Illa Café.
- other things that are worth mentioning in relation to my artistic activities: musics that accompanied me, videos or podcasts that educated me, interesting articles and such.
I hope it will feel more organised this way. (*´▽`*)
Art Posts

Lots of sketches this week! On the weekend I needed to take a break from my desk and seeing screen for too long since it gave me headaches. 😩 So, I consider this week a break.
- 18 March: (1690) A small present / doodle
It is a very quick doodle of Bell and Haru, giving her his small present. ✨ I would love to explore this doodle more in the future. At the same time, I'm also revamping the whole structure of To:You IP, the universe and the characters. Some ideas came to me, but I'll put them on rough draft for now as Illa Café is my current focus. - 20 March: (1692) Relaxing drink / doodle
It is a sketch that I made for Illa Café development note 46. Chika and Julien are having a relaxing time at the café with warm drink. - 21 March: (1693) Spring is here / doodle
I doodled Pippa for the first day of Spring! 🌸 It is also Pippa's first art in 2023. She is giving all Spring vibes, warm and kind. - 22 March: (1694) Tulips hug / sketch
Another Pippa sketch that I'd like to render. In this sketch, Pippa is hugging some tulips. In my vision, I'd like the illustration to be "very shoujo". I'll take it slowly, let's see what will come out of it. - 23 March: (1695) Tulips hug / lineart
I did the lineart for the Pippa sketch from the day before. There are some struggles I faced (especially her hair... why did I design her with such beautifully complicated hair haha), so I will probably take more time to refine the lineart. That's okay!
Development Note (Illa Café dev notes #46)

It is more or less similar with the art posts - I took lots of break from screen this week. So, I did light things such as rereading scripts and editing some of them that were weirdly written (I have no idea why past-me wrote them like that). Even when it is just one small step, it is still a step forward. I hope next week it will compensate - I'm feeling much better already now! \(^ヮ^)/
Other Things
- My main laptop is back! I'll set things up this weekend and then, full force! Making nice stuff! Yeah!
- Approximately one week to April Jam 2023 - a VN jam I joined recently. I don't know what to expect (I'll do both characters art and programming), I guess I'll just go with the flow. I will try not to have too many expectations and just get it working first. I'm really excited for my first game jam! 😆
- I'm still having DAVICHI as my work BGM haha. You Are My Everything is another lovely listening that's on repeat this week.
- I read lots of TvTropes.org this week! There are so many funny things I found (the contributors of this website have humour senses that I appreciate), so far my favourite tropes are: The Only One Allowed to Defeat You, Gilligan Cut, and Nice Job Fixing It, Villain. I mean, only looking at these titles already made me giggling a little bit, especially the villain fix. 😂 Whoever came up with this title, thank you.
That's all for this week. Thank you everyone who joins me this week. Let's do our best again next week onwards! Have a good weekend!
- Konayachi