Looking for specific type of posts? Or perhaps a quick look at one certain character?
Here are list of tags where you can start exploring my posts!
- public » posts that can be accessed, even without logging in.
- members only » posts that can be accessed after you log in, without subscription.
- (I'm working on tags for all paid members and extra tipping posts; be right back!)
General Posts
- weekly » activity summaries that I write every Friday. (retired in August 2024)
- monthly » activity summaries that I write every last day of the month. (started in October 2024)
- yearly » yearly recap posts.
- news » announcements and other things I'd like to write in long format.
- releases » announcements of project releases.
- resources » materials and other resources I'm making and sharing.
- reviews » dedicated posts about medias that I consumed and loved.
- art summaries » the art compilation trend that's around online.
Art Posts
- doodles » mindless stuff I do to rest. I take a break from drawing by drawing more, haha.
- illustration » hi-res illustration.
- WIP (work in progress) » when an illustration takes more than a day to finish, they're shared under WIP tag.
- comics » sequential art, self-explanatory.
- step by step » process breakdowns in how to do some stuff.
- timelapse video » recorded process of me drawing.
- pose practices » series of rough doodles of pose studies.
- scans » analog (paper) doodles.
- animation » small animations that I do. It's very rare.
- commissions » client works.
- merchandises » little stuff I make.
- photographs » self-explanatory; usually showcase things that I find interesting.
- drawing rambles » brain dumps about art. Nothing educational, can be a lot of discoveries.
Dev Posts
- Ren'Py experiments » trials and errors in Ren'Py.
- nice add-ons » tools that help me a lot in developing!
- TIL (today I learnt) » nice discoveries, XP level-up and such.
- shortcuts/tricks » unusual workflows that I do to make things easier in my work.
- aaaargh » frustrations; it happens every now and then.
- game design decisions » explanations about why things look/behave the way they are.
- writing rambles » my amateur-ish brain vomit, talking about writing.
- coding rambles » lots of trials and errors.
- afterwords » afterwords for project releases.
- bgm » rambles about musics for my projects which I bought or commissioned.
Wall Calendars
VNs Projects (done)
- Pippa and Your Phantasmal Problem (2024)
- The Ice Cream Culprit (2024)
- Where Is Mrs Peregrine (2023)
- Tuna Rice (2023)
- (part of a team) Enigma of Hearts (2023)
VNs Projects (WIP, TBA)
- (WIP) (part of a team) Re:Curse (2024)
- (WIP) Illa Café (2019 - present)
- (WIP) Blooming Chimes (2023 - present)
- (TBA) slice-of-life, bittersweet VN
- (TBA) Tortelette
Comics Projects (done)
- To:You (2022)
- Pippa the Witchy (2021)