Paid-members only illustration 2411. Looking at you (colored + timelapse) The doodle was cleaned, why not give it some coloring? So I did...
Paid-members only doodles 2410. Looking at you (cleaned) I cleaned yesterday's doodle. I call it "second go of the doodle", since calling it "clean lineart" actually make me dislike it and I would usually discard it.
Paid-members only doodles (2409) Looking at you I was only trying to do another doodle of a figure with a school uniform. Then the figure became Ozzy...
Paid-members only doodles (2397) Meow meow Haru doodle Last year's cat's day (22 February) I drew Bell! This year she passes the baton to Haru hahaha...
Paid-members only doodles (2396) Bell and Haru doodle This is also another doodle I made to attach to the outline I wrote today. Bell is always the easiest to draw, and I think Haru's drawing is getting better, although I still want to fix his posture:
illustration (2389) To:You 2025 redraw ✨ A small illustration of them, for me to remember how I made their comic in February 2022 – and convincing me that I want to write soft romance story! The old art: They evolve a lot haha! ;-;