Paid-members only scans 2412. Bell in swimsuit (watercolor doodle) Whenever I feel like touching analog materials (paper, pen, pencil, watercolor, etc.) that's when I notice that I'm really burnt out haha. The order is the opposite of what others usually have...
Paid-members only doodles 2410. Looking at you (cleaned) I cleaned yesterday's doodle. I call it "second go of the doodle", since calling it "clean lineart" actually make me dislike it and I would usually discard it.
Paid-members only doodles (2409) Looking at you I was only trying to do another doodle of a figure with a school uniform. Then the figure became Ozzy...
Paid-members only doodles (2402) Bunny girl doodle 3 Thanks to yesterday's muscle sketch, I feel like the overall shape looks really nicely!
Paid-members only doodles (2401) Bunny girl doodle 2 This time, I make Momo more close up! I had a quick read of torso muscles and how they are placed and then laid it out on her:
Paid-members only doodles (2400) Bunny girl doodle This is a doodle which I made in between working on Re:Curse extended demo:
Paid-members only doodles (2397) Meow meow Haru doodle Last year's cat's day (22 February) I drew Bell! This year she passes the baton to Haru hahaha...
Paid-members only doodles (2396) Bell and Haru doodle This is also another doodle I made to attach to the outline I wrote today. Bell is always the easiest to draw, and I think Haru's drawing is getting better, although I still want to fix his posture:
Paid-members only doodles (2395) Irene and Ozzy doodle I spent a lot of my time today taking a break from drawing and writing more Blooming Chimes. I sat for a few hours straight typing a very detailed outline for Ozzy and Irene scenes, and they're so lovely. Very different from Bell x Haru interactions, but as