Monthly Summary: December 2024

December is here!! Yay!! *\o/* It's the end of another year!!
Look at this month's banner doodle: I miss them so much hahaha!! >o<
In summary, it was a relaxing month in comparison to the past 11 months. This month I finished all the large commissions that had been dragging since *gasp* last year!! 😱
Truthfully I felt so bad for dragging all of these commissions as I was very certain it didn't reflect my actual drawing speed. Now I start to second-guess this confidence... 😔 There were so many things needing my attention in the past year that I couldn't help but to attend. Fortunately, it's calming down now.
After finishing everything, I worked on some smaller commissions here and there this month. Hmm, I think I'm ready to reopen my commissions right after I'm done with my annual calendar art! The thought is exciting!
It's weird, but when I had nothing to work on, I feel... sad??? Empty??? I have this strong will to create something, or more precisely: something with external pressure... I should make some for myself haha.
There was even this one strange night where I literally dreamt of coding!! I woke up nervous hahaha 💦 like, how?? Programming wasn't exactly my favourite class (I would doodle on my notebook of course) yet when I haven't done it for a while, I start to think about it. What kind of crazy sorcery is this hahaha...
December 2024 at a glance:

Art stuff
In addition to sharing some small commissions work I finished recently, it was a chilly month (punny) work-wise. A lot of doodles, experimental brushes and practices.
My favourite doodle is this of course:

I also did this year's art summary. I didn't draw much this year, I want to change that in 2025! >n<

Dev stuff
I made something like a GDD for Blooming Chimes and Tortelette to hopefully help me develop them next year! ✨ I jot things down as I remember, for now I don't follow any guides and just write down whatever I feel like.
A peek:

The doc is very messy and has so many empty holes. I'll tidy it slowly in between drawing, commissions work, and other responsibilities.
This month's stats:
- Listening to:
- Many Gen 2 KPop songs! One I kept on repeating is this sweet song: "You're My Miracle" by DBSK.
- Reading:
- VN: n/a (I tried to move my VNs to an external storage to free my laptop but that will take a while. Aaaand I bought like 6 new VNs during Steam Winter Sale hahaha...)
- LN: Sand of Snow (finally finished this!), Give Me A Wing
- Webtoon: Pyramid Game (just finished this, it was sooooooooo good!!)
- Watching:
- Serial Experimental Lain: watching this until the very last episode, I didn't understand what this show is about. I have SO MANY questions I can't even articulate any of them. It scared me (won't be surprised if it has horror tag), and I cursed every now and then hahaha. 💦
- Daa! Daa! Daa!: I watched this long time ago (and was a big fan haha) and I rewatched this now. I'm having a lot of fun! ;w;
- Playing:
- CROB: Christmas event story (A Dreamlike Winter Wonder) made me sobbing quietly at the kitchen hahaha...
See you!
- Konayachi