(2252) The final days! Lots of playtests and fixing the final visual bug!!

(2252) The final days! Lots of playtests and fixing the final visual bug!!

It's been an interesting weekend. I was glued to my desk in these three days to fix visual bug that I couldn't figure out until the end โ€“ I fixed it, of course, but it didn't feel like a fix at all.

28th September 2024:

  • Drew the final cut-ins: bird, figures of people, etc.
  • Coded the final, uncoded scene (scene 9)!
  • Finished GUI + final polishing!
  • Added save name (it's like chapter's name).
  • Overall finished the build!! ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰

I can already submit to the jam as-is, but as I still have two more days, I'd like to go through it all over again and polish small details. ๐Ÿ’ช

29th September 2024:

  • Lots and lots of playtests.
  • Oh no!! Found a trippy animation on Ollie's scene: the hardest and the most important scene!! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ
  • I slept at 5:00 trying to fix it, but I couldn't do anything. I was glad for a moment that I wasn't employed haha or I won't be able to put my all in this project like this.

30th September 2024:

  • I woke up at 7:00 because I couldn't rest well thinking about that trippy animation. ๐Ÿ˜ญ
  • Spent the whole morning trying to figure out what's wrong, and at the same time doing even more playtests (on my pc and on Proton to represent Windows' environment).
  • After some last-minute, frustration fix of Ollie's trippy animation (more like hardcoded numbers and lots of reinforcements โ€“ my code is super ugly aaa), at 13:30 I finally concluded the build. It's 100% done, after it being at 99% done since two days ago. Aaaaaahhhhh!!! ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰
  • Had a meal, tidied my desk, pre-filled the jam's questionnaire and draft the launch post.
  • At 17:40-ish, I made the build public, submitted it to the jam, posted the launch post!! ๐Ÿ™Œ
  • Showered, had a meal, then went to bed at 20:00 hahaha. >///<

It was quite close to the deadline, but I made it โ€“ to the build that I personally approved and liked. I think I was very privileged to be able to work on it for almost the entire month with only very little afk time. My goal is to submit it on time and for it to be at a 'completed' status by the time of submission. It felt really nice. ยดu`)9

Some last days' dev screenshots, which I also put on itch.io's page:

Pippa everywhere hahaha!

Oh, and look at this last minute change for the GUI of the choices:

Left: previous style, right: new style!

I thought of this card-style food choice since very early September, but I don't know how long would it take to code this, and since I considered this super low priority, I didn't touch this until the very end. To my surprise, I was able to code this right before submission! :D I'm happy!

Aaah!! It's done!! I'm gonna take a lot of naps, hahaha...

"I'm not going to join any more jam for a while." - me, after every jam.

See you!
- Konayachi