(2247) Drawing many small cut-ins, more coding!

(2247) Drawing many small cut-ins, more coding!

These two days are super productive!! Note:

24th September 2024:

  • I finalised the sprite of Ms Ester!
  • I drew Pippa drawing magic diagram 'CG'. I don't really want to call it CG but it probably is a CG.
  • I reused the chara art from above CG to draw Pippa's writing letter cut-in.
  • I sketched some of the planned cut-ins.

I didn't write this work in my note, but on the side I was working on Ollie's scene too. This scene was super, um, fragile to do, I'd say?

25th September 2024:

  • I continued coding Ollie and Kitty's scene which I left a few days ago.
  • I drew the carpet cut-in – this has low importance, but I wanted to work on it. I hated the carpet art, it looks super ugly for me ahahaha... I feel like Ms Ester would have much more beautiful carpet. 😭 I'm sorry. One day I may update the carpet to be more beautiful.
  • I finally fully coded scene 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8! I slept after midnight to go through all scenes chronologically and coded all of the ATLs, expressions, scenes transitions, etc.
  • As I coded these scenes chronologically, I drew Pippa's expressions at the same time!

Kitty's appearance scene! Aaa it's so adorable~!

The soundtrack in this scene is AMAZING, everyone should download this VN and read this scene with the soundtrack... It's so, so, sooooo cute!! (Sorry these videos don't have sound ;;)

I sacrificed my sleep time for this huge progress! 😮‍💨

For the first time after some days, I start to see the light at the end of the tunnel... There are some more days left, but this project started to take a form now. I'm also panicking at the same time: I haven't had any idea for the main menu art (and I'm always working the hardest on it aaa) and the uncoded scenes are the hardest ones to make. Ah, I also haven't settled the choices' values...

See you!
- Konayachi