(2231) Writing done! Next, drawing!

Today's note:

I've finally finished writing!! Auauauaaa!! It's at 14,110 word long. 😹
I also coded more BGMs– it's really nice to have the scenes with the tracks. It's really, really fun!!
I went through everything once, and I tried to make art list as I went through the scenes. I filled 3 pages of A5 paper with notes hahaha. (panicking)
Most of the art I listed is just very small graphics (a small statue, sparkly stars, a book, etc) so I hope even with the long list, they won't take too much time to draw. I have small fear of the coding time... Hahaha... I have to ask a family member to help me do some intricate python coding again... because I have to code all of these small graphics and expressions that change very often hahahaaaa... ;_; I want my bouncy characters...
Back to working!
See you!
- Konayachi