(2225) More writing + coding!

(Written on 04 September 2024)
Today's note:

Today I did:
- finished scene 02 and wrote scene 03! Now the game is at around 4,800 word long haha *nervous* I may want to slash the word count later...
- started to code some movements for the sprite since I want to show them to the composer to get an idea of how the VN looks like!
- coded some BGMs in to test the looping audio! They're really cute!
Coding takes a long time, but Action-Editor helps me a lot!! Also, I start to collect some public domain images as references for my background drawing. I could probably have done this before September, but I was really occupied...
Writing starts to get easier after the first two scenes are formed. I am looking forward to finishing it, hopefully this weekend!
See you!
- Konayachi