(2224) More writing + drawing sprite!

(Written on 04 September 2024)
My note for today:

Today I did:
- wrote scene 2, around 90% done. This scene is unexpectedly long since I needed to lay out as many information as possible. With around 10 scenes in total, I think the rest of the scenes should be pretty fast!
- drew Pippa's sprite! Aaa! Very fun and relaxing! There's just one pose and one expression for now. I'll add more later.

- coded transform for sprites' default positioning. I drew my sprites much larger than needed so there are some numbers I set by default (zoom and anchors) so they're not super large and disappear from the screen.
- planned nice things to have: I want to style the choices to be fun looking. But that's for later!
On this day, I went to bed really, really early (like before 22:00 haha). I was really sleepy for some reasons...
See you!
- Konayachi