(2222) Pippa and Your Phantasmal Problem dev starts tomorrow!

Tomorrow I'll start the development of Pippa and Your Phantasmal Problem! (Title is updated from Pippa's Phantasmal Problem because story wise it no longer made sense) Yay! \o/
I'm thinking: I'll make the whole September posts public! I'll share all devs progress and screenshots! Yay!
There will be days where I don't post in a few days, but I still make notes on what to do each day. Yay! 💪
With that, I'll pause the weekly summary posts as well since they're not needed this month. ^^
The plan
My (overly optimistic) planned timeline:
- writing: finish within first week, or first ten days
- drawing: hopefully to finish until the 25th or 26th
- coding everything: hopefully to finish until 26th
- touching-up: hopefully to finish until 28th
- testing: all the time, until 28th
(It doesn't look like a good plan hahaha, but as I'm doing everything in parallel, this is my outlook of the dev process.)
I just want to at least submit, by latest, 24 hours before the deadline. ;_;
I already have:
- outline, there will be 10 scenes, and a few choices in between them. It will have stat-balancing system like The Ice Cream Culprit, but much more simple.
- number of characters needed: I think there's only like, um, 3 sprites? No, wait, 4 sprites. Only one sprite will appear the most (Pippa!) and the rest will only appear in one scene each. I think it's doable. I hope!
I will be working with Dalton Attig who will compose soundtracks for Pippa's and Your Phantasmal Problem! >o< It's exciting!
I'll juggle two things this month dev and personal work, but I think it's okay. It's hard to stay focused in one thing for me, I'll just get bored haha...
See you!
- Konayachi